Tonight I sat by the corner of my room, Dreaming of nuclear pasta and Bottles of ultraviolet water. I was alone, and it was bleak. Everything around me was lost In the sadness of everything else Swallowing everything else. I sat and wondered about each moment that passed And how each moment slipped away until the next came afresh, unbound. But I remembered the one that came before the one next, and that too was bleak. Bleak, cold, filth, like a grotto filled with rats and dead fish. The floor creaked as I shivered sitting there, Life it seemed was given and not had. I lit candle, for it seemed macabre And I need that, It was homage, an appeal. The shadows about me had flickered as if alive, A life given. I remember wishing, wanting to be something. For the few precious moments that passed it seemed believable. Betwixt my cold finders and burning wax, I could feel and light sprung briefly. The joy was maddening, almost manic. I had whispered ferverently that I had won, Ever briefly, But the voices had come back, And those moments had passed, I blew out the candle and wept.