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Apr 2015
I could steal your car... Before you stole my heart....
Thats when I felt  "Our"  love truly start....
I looked like hell....My eye black from fights...
Before my darkness was engulfed in your light....
My weapons of hate kept always near....
Being with you... I forgot all my fear......
My backwards hat... The way i used to dress.....
I must have looked Stupid....... Now i dress for success...
Jail wasn't just seeing my crew.....
It was a hell  that kept me away from you....
My "*******'s!" and Angry stares....
Are now opening doors.... And pulling out chairs
The respect I  "Earned"..... Being told " I Must..."
Means nothing now.... I only want your trust....
Break and enters now a thing in the past...
Because you entered my heart and I want that to last....
Loud music to endless Screams.....  
Are now quiet whispers.... Having you in my dreams....
Being an object of someone elses fear...
I know what im scared of... Not having you near...
The concrete heart I used to never feel...
For the first time feels vulnerable... Open and  Real.....
All my girls.... My one night stands...
I now tell them all .......Im your "Man".....
Ive been stabbed... Beaten.... Ive been shot....
Losing you would hurt worse... Your all i've got....
I no longer see rivals and want to attack...
I know that you truly ......"Got my back".....
No more white rags to feel I belong......
Your what ive been missing all along....
No longer do I want a connection to "crime"...
I just wanna be with you..... All the time....
I cant believe that your not scared of my past....
I am terrified.... me and you wont last....
Because before you were a "hunny" a "shorty" A "boo"
Now I dont have a word amazing enough to describe You...
To you I was never a  GANGSTER..... I was only ever DAVE...
And to me you were an ANGEL... who deemed me worthy to SAVE.....
My first love poem..... Sent from a correctional.... Man that was a different time.....
David Adam Johnson
Written by
David Adam Johnson  Canada
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