I know I've compared your body To the ocean and tall mountains So rigid and structured And I have compared your hands To many others beings of the earth But let's talk about your name It starts with "J" And no You are not a Jeff I clap twice at your name Two syllables But not many know your true name Not many at all Your name is somethingΒ Β I can not forget It rolls off my tongue When I am least expecting it And I suppose my preconscious Liked to think of you I accidentally say your name daily now, I do. I clap twice Your name is something whispered in sleep Your name is something I screamed on the bathroom floor A blood curdling scream Your name is trying to leave my mouth But it fits so comfortable there Your name does not want to leave Your name made a home out the gaping hole in my face Two syllables or one You could go either way I find myself slipping I wonder Have you called her the wrong name yet? I always knew you were being serious when you called me by own And so I am just wondering, Has my name cursed the tip of your tongue with a bitter taste? I think you were used to being good at the name game I mean, look at all of the women standing in your front yard They never knew which direction the sky was And I am one of the few that'd been saved I clap twice I'm wondering how long it will take. When will I finally give up trying to make a home out of the bone white afternoon Your name causes trouble Leads me to slapped wrists and cuts along the frayed edges of my skirt Rulers dripping with a red textured tint And no it was never paint from my art set Your name is poison Your name is alcohol I'm gulping your name down To keep myself from becoming love sick It used to taste so sweet Radiated smiles But every time I bring up your name I get sympathetic looks I receive "Oh, sweetheart. He's not worth it.." But you were. I guess comparing your body to the planets and constellations was never enough And it had always been your name leaving me..