I don't like having friends They're far too full of consequence I am a fool, and unconvincing
I cannot shut my mouth for the life of me For every word that pours out There's a knife in the back of me
That's the pain I feel Like KNIVES That's the pain I feel
You pose a question I grasp at it desperately I'm so afraid to answer it incorrectly So I throw out ever detail and story Hoping something I say will connect Will explain
Like maybe if you could see me Like REALLY see me All that has been and all that I am In my entirety That maybe you could see all of my flaws at once, but each one would leave a trace Some deep rooted reason or far removed place Some trauma that tainted me Maybe it would save you from blaming me Like I blame me
I'd hate to think that I was responsible for this mess barely standing in front of you.
Sometimes I want to run away from every single person I know. So that I can erase all my shame.