Land of minds that mine for fool's gold A false wish waves on a tattered scorched flag So serious yet so seriously not Monotone notes of after thought calculations Make me breathe light due to speculation We are not alone We are not together We are the milling and seething masses of this Earth We have turned over a new leaf and forgotten about the millions of trees Before it History books will burn as the buildings will topple The steeples with winged whining horses will bend for their final kneel Tea hot or cold spills onto the once white napkin so it can no longer be used Cabbies explode due to too much nitro We are not alone We are not together We are the floating fantasies the God's dream up while they sleep and slumber **** and party We are the play things baby monsters nick away time which does not weigh them down We are a fantasy and a reality Tonight as the stars shine through a broken dead black ink *** sky And I'm out and about watching love die Watching sewers overflow with a majesty that even the Queen would be jealous of And the hanging grey clouds hover nakedly over a city that was never mine Look for the hour glasses which tilt neither left nor right but are crying They are the bearers of good and bad luck They carry the key to the wisdom of this doomed son