Supple skin, insides of elbows we scratched til they bled split lips and scraped knees I would follow you anywhere Burrowed in your old clothes you didn’t wear dresses so neither did I. Curled up on your too-green carpet watching the fish in your tank commit suicide one by one. Can we stay the same? Before Momma’s on the phone shouting about faulty vaccines. Before the world descends upon us. In the night you would slowly voice the thoughts: what is the value of a human life if it is miserable. If people laugh and mock, if that life is silently and hopelessly alone, and suddenly aware of it’s own strangeness. It takes hours, to string this together creeping towards 3am in the pitch dark. we are sitting on the floor, I promise with all of my eight year old honor all of my fighting might, I will not abandon you to this cruel world trapping you. All this unknown grief for the emotions you cannot understand.
My big brother called last night at 11:41 pm on a school night We made plans to see a movie next year. So this is his.
(I think this needs an edit and an new title, thoughts?)