the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should **** him I - one can only hope to be the genisis of fear and god onto oneself II - I fear that my poetry is the mark that which can **** you, words that leave scars on the author itself III - I USE THAT MARK, THIS POETRY AS A CANE, TO STABALIZE THE EFFECTS MY ILL FORGOTTEN WAYS HAVE CREATED AND WILL BENEVOLENTLY STRIKE AGAIN IV - I'm tired of keeping myself awake, away and alive, hiding in the shadows because I have slain the innocence V- prayeth someone will have mercy on my soul because I know that the monster above will not VI - *forgive me for I have sinned VII - leaving you broke me as well. My heart, my lungs and body and soul, my spirit, my mind and my gut wrenching faith Sevenfold in the name of Jesus Christ I am lost, my rebellion is this parchment, these last words I pray, Amen.