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Jul 2011
In the darkness I sit in silence, you are beside me, but I am alone
Your chest rises and falls as peaceful as ever
Why are we doing this, can we please just go home?
You were my hero my rock, you were supposed to live forever.
What happens when this is all over, when I leave this place?
Will I ever feel healed; will I even remember your face?
My palms are sweaty, my heart is racing now, its beating so fast
Please wake up and hold me, I don’t want this feeling to last
I loved you from the beginning; I held your hand as best I could
You were so strong, but this beat you as I knew it would
My world is shattering in front of me
As I sit beside you and I watch your soul flee
You have left me alone as of tonight
This is it, you have given up the fight
It kills me to see you so weak so sick and pale
As I hold your limp hand, so empty and frail
I cannot even breathe in, for fear of disturbing you
I am sick to my stomach, but I promised I would see you through
Through good and through bad, I promised I would be here
No matter how much you hurt me, I promised I would always be near
My heart is beating as the minutes turn to hours on this night
I look at your face, and nothing seems right
As I clutch to your still breathing body this moment lasts so long
But you were gone the whole time; you had already sung your last song
I turn and walk out of the room, once last glimpse of your face
I am gone, and I will never go back to that place
I held your hands to the very end
I loved you so much, you are my dad,you were my friend
Please all I ask of you now is to help me through
Because I don’t know how to do it without you
I will always keep going, with you in my heart
Because you are gone but we are never apart
Your journey begins; your soul has gone free
But please wherever you go, carry with you part of me.
Ellie McGoldrick
Written by
Ellie McGoldrick
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