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Apr 2015
I wish I could kiss you
Now that would be sweet
The moment your lips
And my lips came to me

My heart would beat faster
My pulse it would race
Just feeling your kiss
Oh so soft on my face

I'd kiss you each morning
And kiss you each night
We'd kiss in the dark
And we'd kiss in the light

Like butter cream frosting
Or high dollar wine
I'll know it's delicious
when your kiss is mine

I'll kiss you forever
That you can believe
I won't look away
No I won't even breathe

A kiss at the station
or maybe the store
It won't matter where
It's your kiss I'll adore

If the world is ending
Please promise me this
Before it is over
Just give me a kiss

Then I will be happy
I know that will be
As long as your lips
Are the ones kissing me
Written by
     Chris, Ocean Blue, Limitless, Ady, L and 11 others
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