Eating and sleeping seem hard to do Even getting out of bed Getting off my phone Trailing through social media trying to forget you ****** in I forget Thank god Unlike moments like this My mind filled with nothing but thoughts of you What did we do She believes in love She believes in learning Trying And above all she believes in you But a cracked heart can't hold together for too long It freezes to hold stronger Falling apart seems easier But not better It is sad Sad that you haven't learned Thankful that I have You say love But I could never believe you You said forever But quickly threw in the towel Lust for others outside Lust for holding onto your Pride What about love What we had or what I had for you Trying is love Relationships Priorities Laughs Happiness One cannot be happy in two if one is not In hopes that we will have what we had I was happy I was in love A roller coaster of emotions due to volnerability I could never believe you I loved and I would never do those things to you