You're the best simile, You're like the nile, That jaunts elegantly through the . Valleys, Into the great lakes, And breaths life To the horn and the basins,
For even your anger, Is like the exuberant floods, That leaves rich~silt, In the hearts of the gullies,
Your resilence Is like the seedling That blossoms beautifully in the . Harmattan, And shy away the dusty trade winds,
For your throne is patience, And your feet rests on tolerance, Out of your words is the light That illuminates the mind and thoughts Of kings,
Like the eagle, You've flown high And higher above the skies, And your compatriots perches on trees And leaves, . Mesmerized at your prowess, Panting cowdardly impuissant to catch . up,
You're like the mystery victory That has failed all replications, Through out history,