Fear me, dear. For though my tongue drips with honey and words flow from my mouth smooth as midnight silk; A volatile demeanor and proficiency with word craft can see this sugar turn to venom with the swiftness and severity, of a lightning strike. I will cut you down. Fear me, dear. For though in this moment I describe my adoration, as though its' power would make a super nova pale in comparison. Too much time creating my own little worlds, in which I incorporate all that which has caused my bliss and sorrow, has blurred my reality. You will become another story. Fear me, dear. For though my smile melts you as a hot knife through butter, and you hear every word I speak with a tone of utter sincerity, I'm far too fond of writing truth between the lines, of layering what I really feel so deep it's near impossible to find. You will never know. Fear me, dear. It's for the best.