You make me feel safe. I can fall asleep when I'm talking to you because I feel like there is a reason to wake up I feel like there's a chance I won't have nightmares. No matter what you say it's a lullaby So I am a little girl and you are my big brother, My guardian, The blanket that keeps me from shivering at night You are like turning off the light that seeps under my door so that I can't see shadows, You are like telling me you locked the door fifteen times so I don't have to You are like checking for spiders and finding out there aren't any Like shut blinds and soft-glowing green alarm clocks You probably can't imagine how alone I am because I am completely terrible at needing people but I need you I need the door locked fifteen times, I need blankets and reassurance And total darkness except for soft green glows I need to know you'll be there if I wake up screaming because I already know that no one else will.