such an eccentric pair I hear they write poetry for eachother? oh they do? yeh they do, how strange, a couple to be showing love and affection they should hide it like the rest of us... how rude of them to show how much they love each-other, how unfair to say how much they care, they stand tall when odds are against them what an unlikely couple to be, how strange that their personality line up like dominoes falling in order it seems every time they knock one porcelain plate over they find another to shatter, Christ their braking the mold what a Lachrymose situation we must help! quick! force our opinions onto the young pair for surely they know not how to act, and for surely they know not how to be themselves, its not like they've crawled over miles of broken glass no, they mustn't have i don't see any scars, although one wears more make up then the other but one smiles wider one holds tighter but one kisses deeper one fights with fire the other with ice how odd that broken peices of the same heart, should slip back together so easily,