I would like you to come on a journey with me so close your eyes as I read to you- when we consider our evolution and key points of progress we can backtrack from computers to the combustion engine to Carnegie steel back to the wheel fire and walking upright however, we aren't wholly unique all life forms communicate but the power of language has enabled us to share this knowledge on another level now, I wonder have we reached a peak the precipice of what language can offer to demonstrate think of someone who loves you do they need to say it? isn't it in their eyes? pouring from their skin? think of a political ideology, an event in history, the moment someone tore your heart out, something that brings rage the heat roils within you tension can be felt through the silence this is communication before, and beyond words with your eyes closed feel the blood moving through your shoulders soft beats send it down your arms this life-force trickles into your fingers pause and focus on the blood in your fingers notice the energy and what is energy? it is movement, it is vibration this energy radiates from your fingers, from your feet, and especially from your head and heart this energy is genuine full of truth whether positive or not where words leave space for error, misunderstanding, and misdirection-- --hold my hand and tell me what you sense whatever it is, it's not a lie Alfonso told me 'We will look back on the day we needed to use words to communicate and smile.'