At the peak of the broken unspoken she broke Her voice carried so all could be merry But when they heard the shrill of the unpracticed Tablets broke for the sacred word was turned to ****
Love is the melody that rings but has no sound It lingers on cracked lips and is already dead Art is dead We are dead and argue with but instead
Listen to the way the window opens around 4am There is more pleasure in that sound Then the pounds and pounds and pounds Of steaming green grass shat out by the fairest bovine
Voices were once considered a sacred thing From GOD they say Now they line the walls with different tones Like a far away village worshipping ancient bones
Compulsion to spread is human behavior A feature that should have been extracted long ago Soon the rats will have to pack up their yoga mats And the bears to diminish their wears
Up in the dirt the worms talk amongst themselves "Were alright, right?...we got it all figured out?" While the corpses who were buried just yesterday Flip through the paper but don't have the tongues to say
With care we will open the gates of fiery hell With care we will glimpse into the pupils of eternity With care we will **** our way into death With care we will discover what love is all over again