I thought I was over you Thought I let your name go out the window Watched it disappear in the rearview mirror clouded with dust But I've learned that when love leaves it does not always she the shotgun door on its way out I have been trying to tell myself that the door was closed By refusing to look at it I haven't quite figured out how to love you out of paper yet Only because words spoken out loud can easily be mistaken as lies My voice is like a volcanic box of chatter I'm equivalent to spontaneous combustion Spilling words onto this paper like smooth run cold conversations and blocks of ice in slow motion I wonder if I miss you only because I cannot have you anymore You have filled something in me that is still full even though you are gone I know that this is ludicrous to feel all this after one day of seeing you But there is something that triggers in my ribcage With face to face contact I am sorry for letting my love for you spill onto the floor It never belonged there I thought I was over you, I really did But frankly, I am not