My outside is fake, hard, plastic. My insides dying to come out! express. No Barbie could ever see through this mess. Fighting for a relationship is worth it, until the fighting is done, and still not gain has been made. Still not solving solved. How happy I was a year ago, How happy I was in the shower, And it is always your fault. You are a selfish manipulator, that always gets your way. ***.... For church? I stand for my religion and you knock out my feet. I stand for my God, and you knock out my knees. I am an astronaut painting, Painting my own universe, slowly shattering and being painted over by your own self, How can you be so stone cold, How can you not trust? After all this my trust, is still away, So no more slowing down. I am done. Not more convincing or holding back I have got the reigns with no slack. Manipulate all you want, you'll never get your way. Because finally I realize it should never be this way. Something you cant find Take me back to the shower, how happy I was! and now, I've lost it... Who knows when it will return. Butterflies cant be kept in a box. not matter how beautiful they suffocate slowly and die, when their job is to bring new life.