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Dani Cunningham
Jun 2011
The Bedtime Story of Our Soul
Once we lived in a steam-punk wedding cake
the walls tasted like crème cheese icing
everywhere dripped chocolate rust
wheels and gears- pumping out bliss
the house would tick us to sleep
a quiet tock that snuck into our hearts
we beat together-our 3 tiered home and us
and we hung pictures of mixed historical value
the first time someone held our hands
the names of flowers we invented
and the towers twinned together- breathing in city air
Once we lived in a steam-punk wedding cake
The universe kissed our toes
In our rose petal beds
As we nibbled our marshmallow pillows
And greeted the cooler side with the grip of tiny fingers
We wore silly hats
And talked in accents no one could identify
We made our own curse words
That sounded more magical then rude
And we hung pictures of mixed historical meaning
Cartoons from before nickelodeon was bullocks
Our middle names in Braille
And the Kennedys on their wedding day
Once we lived in a steam-punk wedding cake
The home of chocolate fortitude
Where some days we wouldn’t turn on a light switch
And let the candles guide our imaginations
Down dark tunnels and secret gardens
There was never any hunger
Tears only came from happiness
We made capes out of our bed sheets
Chased each other under beds and hid in closets
Peeking out because being caught was our goal
And we hung pictures of mixed understanding
The 8 dirtiest jokes found in ancient art
That day when the sun felt like it would never stop playing with the moon
The day we stood still long enough to know the color of our eyes and the outline of our toes on wet grass
Written by
Dani Cunningham
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