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Mar 2015
you left me alone,you went far away not showing me any kind of indication if you really still love me. i am alone. dont i need somebody to talk to as well and lean on their shoulder in my time of need. i have been battling alone trying to hold everything up until one day i got enough and just gave up.
giving it my all and in return ask for nothing.
all i needed was attention and he only time i got it was when you believe you have a little competition.

i have tried to not only love you but not only you i love myself more.
where were you when i cried alone?
when i nurtured your baby alone?
carried your child for nine months?
Rome in my man wondering and questioning the decisions i have made to be with you. where were you when all i had was you?
Alleeya Leanne Wade
Written by
Alleeya Leanne Wade  belize city belize
(belize city belize)   
   MJ Mark, Ocean Blue and Poetess
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