give me an ear to bite into, or an arm to rip of listen to my rambles the ravings of a mud-mad-madding-mad-man I've lost it kaput I'm InSAnE My mind is lost to the soup and I was Always told that too many cooks spoil the broth and legions have gone into making me If I could number the souls that have had input to me, the men and woman who maned the turnstile and warped my soul to fit flowers or knives, if I could number them all I alone could stand and take on Persia at its height my soul is ancient passed from one body to the next my eyes are tired but I'm only 17 I've sat through temperature-twisted-townlessly-teetering deserts on the roof of an old combie I've walked circles around an island with my thumb out and sung to the stars when they hide in clouds of smoke the legeion in my mind has taken losses in numbers when we lost our commander my father and we have taken our trophies of irrefutable wealth your heart but then i remember there wasn't thousands of men just me just my ambition Good morning world Im 17 years old, And all-ready ancient