Guard your heart Be careful who you love We walk into infatuation like it is something playful and lovely And at first it really is But be careful on the second step You will trust their hands Fingers playing with one another as if the sweat between them will for some sort of prayer For every finger that we let loosen, another knuckle grows back crooked Do not hold his hand for too long When water starts to gather in your palms, let go Wipe them on your jeans, put your hands in your pockets Be careful on the third step They will show you how to swim and then throw you in the deep end You will have no warning, nothing to catch you but the pool floor They will smile at you from the top Do not hold your breath Let the air clear from your lungs Vacancy was always something you were accustomed to Sink to the bottom, memorize the feeling, the texture of the ground When your lungs start to fill with water, swim to the top Your hear will race but fall at the same time when you see him with someone else, do not let it take you Do not let it take you Guard your heart for the next time