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Jun 2011
Comfort Is what I find in being with you...
Because being blue with you,is near impossible...
With you if I dare begin to tear...
It is only because I start to fear...
Fear the day when you'll leave me forever...
Whenever that may be I never want it to come...
I know I'll be glum,once more...
I look at you and see what I fell for,
Everything you are I adore...
Now we can never go back to before...
You know,before you tore a part of me...
Now with you I feel complete...
Lying next to you hearing your heart rhythmically beat...
Why must you be so ****** sweet?
You helped me forget the past...
So please let us last...
I never even asked,But you still said you loved me...
So let's see what we could be...
Your my only nominee...
So let's go crazy on a love spree...
Come on it'll just be you and me...
Forever right baby?
Victoria Jennings
Written by
Victoria Jennings  26/F/Rhode Island
(26/F/Rhode Island)   
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