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Mar 2015
Lyrical James,
Lyrical James,
So down to the nip,
Consumed to the tip,
His world ripped apart
Thus, shattering his heart.
Life can be mystical,
His image had been lyrical,
Successful in each pace,
Unique and ace,
It fell right in place.

Lyrical James,
Typical James,
Those devious games,
Left him displaced,
He felt so misplaced,
Far below grime,
He'd wished for a swing in time,
Where he'll be strong again,
When his merited cause was tall and plain,
Those lost days, he aches to regain.

Lyrical James,
Elegiacal James,
Again he sees her from a distance
He blew for a glance,
All he got was bounce,
Plus meaningful pounce,
Those festal days are long gone,
Β Β  He was now all alone.

Lyrical James
Mystical James,
He follows the box,
From sunrise 'til sunset,
Again he sees her smile,
So near, yet an unreachable mile,
Success she possesses
Enrichment she precedes,
His lyrical companion,
Now stands as a champion,
Thus deadly like a scorpion,
The dominion of the Eves,
Em devilish mimics angels, thieves…..

Lyrical James,
Beloved James,
The years whisk by,
His valiant bravery,
Now rested in a grave,
'Til sleep, he loved.
Minuscule Ego
Written by
Minuscule Ego  25/M/Monrovia, Liberia
(25/M/Monrovia, Liberia)   
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