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Mar 2015
I long to write with the sages of old,
To bask in the shadow of their might.
To soak in the ideas they cast aside,
In hopes that I might be worthy of their waste.

I dream of playing alongside the greats,
To see their skill put on display.
To be inspired by the sheer force of will,
The driving pain in each push forward.

I desire to sail with the explorers,
Those who conquered the seas with stars and wood.
To experience the exhilaration of the unknown,
And feel the freedom of a life unbound.

I wish to study the masters of science,
To take notes on their great experiments.
To be in the background of the great discoveries,
The shattering pressure of defining truth.

I crave to walk with the changers of the world,
The protesters, the leaders, the speakers.
To hear them, feel them, experience them,
To be witness to the suffering of progress.

I hunger to ride with the conquerors,
To witness ruthless minds destroy adversity.
To see brutality aimed in a specific direction,
The utter destruction of an enemy.

I lust to suit up with the pilots,
To join the brave on every first journey.
To cross the Atlantic, the world, to outer space,
Experiencing the thrill of the life on the edge.

The greatest sadness that I find in life,
Is that I cannot travel back in time.
That I will never meet my heroes,
Is a sobering and saddening fact.

Instead, I am becoming my own,
I am becoming one of the masters.
I will join the ranks of the great,
And I will finally experience the thrill.
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Nathaniel Brenner
Written by
Nathaniel Brenner  Missouri
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