i will not stay in this city of tradition it is only stone statues who inhabit it now slowly building a wall with where their lifeless bodies lay on top of each other until all of time can not get in only tradition in the city where i have been held down and force-fed tradition for 18 years released at 18 but to what? for i am only a bi-product of tradition all i can feel is tradition all i can love is tradition all i can taste is tradition all i ever will be is tradition i am tradition controlled enforced by the dictators called parents do you know me? you do not know me! i only know me you only know you please leave me let me be let me live let me thrive
let me go
alas i am cold i am stiff i am stone i am resilient i am individual i am human i am warm burning turning yearning leaving finally leaving they did it im free free to be they let go of me