I'm a white snake moving against autumn leaves all of the trauma in the world couldn't keep me down and I'm gonna fly away
The wet leaves surround me with nature's scent and the dirt fills my mouth with the gritty taste of life I love this planet, all that's left of it when I'm with no one but myself, when I can scream without an audience I can finally feel free
Free from the stress anxiety attacks that no animal needs fear in the form of spontaneous combustion frustration which leads to- anger which leads to- pain are only shadows on my scales
Surrounded by synthetics, I'm just a worm doomed to crawl on my belly when I'm a white snake moving against black asphalt and I'm not all alone, but in the bad way the tar stains my skin
But when I return to those autumn leaves, I can wipe away that tar and I can feel like I'm free again and all of the trauma in the world couldn't keep me down and I am all alone, but in the good way it feels like my scales will throw off their shadows and turn into feathers it feels like my bones will break apart and shape into wings and I'm gonna fly I'm gonna fly I'm gonna fly away
I'll be a white hawk moving against the clear, clear blue sky and the wind will wipe away the frustration which led to- the anger which led to- the pain and no trauma in the world ever even had a ******* hold on me