Wondrous nature Yet so damaged and broken Still, You choose to re-construct the broken concepts of grace unknown I reach out into the sky, beholding the stars that shine so eloquently So effortlessly, oh how will it be on the day I meet eternity? Oh, have you got eyes to see? See thee interesting Story unfold across ancient galaxies, the root of all our being Truly we are eager for a New song, unaware that the Melody in the air is our revival and that every spark of inspiration comes from the same One who collects our tears in a bottle. Won’t you look up? Stretch your arms up and see, we are not so distant from our stars. They are even now but a mere foreshadow of what awaits those who behold and know they are in Eternity’s hands and were never really their own therefore bestowed thee art that nature's Maker so freely gave for it reminded them of the gift they undeservingly held within. Look up, Eternity is near.