"Tickets tickets tickets" Enticing the buyers to Observe you To speculate your insecurities on the stage To bring you smirks , since your mind seems to forget what is happiness... There you gaze into bright lights of never ending tunnel. All eyes gazing on you , all ears appeal to you . Mouth raging to ignite their movements. Hands clasp together, ready to make beats for your amusement... You do what is best . Natural calling . But tonight , there she was .... Her lips entice you to come in, To taste her grievances of a broken heart. To sew the broken patches of her soul. To hear the safeness of your vocal mind. You want her . You adore her.. But you can't please her Gulp gulp your throat.... Don't mind her , let her go ..... The show must go on .... She will leave those doors into the never ending light you gazed at on stage...