the best time in my life is when i sit alone in my room playing guitar to the wall and singing in my untrained drone in my flat american accent - the ringing of suburban middle-class or reading obscure contemporary fiction novels and smoking ***
the best is when no one else is in the house and it's just me enjoying this distant skin suit existing in this world as an individual just a brief vacation before returning to the eternal oneness
i exhale the sacred breath of life and begin to play guitar again slowly learning how to play new songs and exploring rhythm i'm the only person in my family who is interested in playing music i taught myself guitar and am still struggling to understand scales
the best time in my life is when i sit in my room alone thinking about beautiful women i wish i could know better dreaming about how my life would be if i was cool if i was interesting and able to break out of my shell
i imagine what it would be like if i had a social life if i was interesting enough to develop a fascinating circle of friends i've always wondered how people manage to break into social circles navigating social climes is an art and one that i lack sensitivity in
the best time in my life is when i sit alone in my room thinking deep about the universe and the reason for existence letting out another breath then drawing in another strumming repeatedly to bring ordered sound to the world
the best is when i have a great person on my mind someone who inspires me to break out of myself an ontological proxy by which i can compare myself to see all how i am lacking and faulting