Oh Joy, Oh Great Heavens Above, How I like to lingeringly slaver o'er The fartleberries hanging humunguously Out of your **** cleft like bunches of mouldering grapes, And to gaze upon the lusciously stale shitstains Decorating your hirsute ****-cheeks! You so rarely wash and your dumps are omnipotent And you are too mean to buy any **** wipes.
You moan quite loudly in colonic ecstacy As I plumb the Stygian depths of your sit-upon place, My nose diving daintily like a woodpecker's beak Smeared with poo-bits, seeking Nirvana In your ****** paradise, brown love-tunnel Serenaded by the poets since Time began! Nowhere in all the Hershey Universe can there be A pongier rimmee than you, O unshaven beauty of mine!
My probing tongue is covered with nutty brown paste, Your sweet excremental delight makes me drool In joy, as I personhandle myself "down there"; Ignoring the most elemental rules of hygiene. But sadly there is a fly in the ointment Indeed a whole ******* barrelful of them: Not only will I get a very nasty E-coli infection But I'll have bad breath tomorrow at chapel.