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Mar 2015
I don't need your love.
I don't need you around.
I would survive just fine without you.
You aren't what causes my heart to beat,
You are not the air within my lungs.
Sleep comes easily on my own.
My responsibilities are not yours.
I don't need you tonight,
I won't need you tomorrow.
I don't need your love.
And I don't need you.

No, I do not.

Instead, I want your love.
I want you around,
You enrich my every day.
I want you to be there to hear my heart,
I want you to be there to laugh with me.
I want to feel you sleep beside me, your hair tangled in my face.
I want to share the world with you.
Instead, I want you tonight.
I will want you tomorrow.
I want your love.
And I want you.

I will be fine without you. But I'll be so much better with you.
Nathaniel Brenner
Written by
Nathaniel Brenner  Missouri
   kendall, Brianne and AJ
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