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Mar 2015
No Kiss Goodbye
Not one Last Cuddle

You had your time
You ****** me dry

My heart bleeds
My lungs set Free

Eyes Open Wide
Mouth sealed Shut

All my hearts longed for..
In just one Kiss..

What is this?

You bring out all I've been missing inside..
I see all of me for the first time.

I got lost in your Green Eyes
My heart has doubled it's size.

My Soul Sings for you..
My heart Cries for him.

Can't help my Soul recognized..
Set on fire.. Can you feel it?

Or is it just a manifestation of my desire?

You say I cut you to the core.. I know you want more.

More.. leaves this open as ever.
So I say Goodbye to him.
Hello to You.. Lets take our time.
Written by
Quinchet  Allentown, PA
(Allentown, PA)   
       ---, South by Southwest, ---, Holly, Tee Beverly and 12 others
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