I long for a different piece of you every day. Today, it is your laughter. Tomorrow, it will be your hips and your gentle jumps When I caress them. The day after that I will miss your eyebrows Along with your eyes, nose, ears, chin And everything in Between.
Every day I will ache for your music Because it, too, is in my body And I can’t help but miss the melodies That you once tapped across my spine, That sweet cry that called out: She is mine
Some sparrow stirring in me yearns For the nest of your embrace That once rocked me to sleep. For once I had awoken I only wanted to be found In the deep solitude of you
I still leave half the mattress and covers unoccupied Perhaps wistfully wishing you’d fill all my empty Spaces The ones between my knees and in My dreams
The day I run out of things about you to miss You’ll be back in my arms again, whispering *She is mine