i was watching the television footage of the calls for peace and unity thinking of how far we’ve come but how lost people can be before the sun glints off the marble steps and returns to the sea
some guys shot up a bunch of French cartoonists for showing the absurdity of a middle age religious idol who insisted on martyrdom because their father told them they’d get something good come kingdom come and by another sad twist of irony made their victims martyrs too
i wonder why i feel the need to respond to what i hear and if i’m too much of a news ****** taking in a steady stream of corporate malarkey burning life away tuned out into the glare
i’m tired of trying to solve all of the problems in the world i’d only like to sit and write today and sit and sip my coffee in the sunshine with no languages and nothing left to say
i was reading about government debt in the paper and inequality, tensions overseas and Muslim ghettos i don’t know all that much about it all, so i don’t know but i let the words swirl around in my head then let it go
a European man decided he wanted more rocks and fruit a century, or two, or three ago in his cold palace so he strapped some trees together and set off to trade his ballast for an empire of golden bodies in the sun
and for me it is the same as i sit here with my ball and chain in the sunshine of the Americas in the modern age soaking up stories, wasting time then turn the page hold in another breath then let it out into the air
i’m tired of trying to solve all of the problems in the world i think i might start making some instead why not go out and light a torch and seize the day a century of life or more or less and then you’re dead
i was thinking about going to see the warriors i’d bring a camera and a notebook and an open mind be love and ease the tensions of the ties that break and bind disappear and skip off beyond the boundary line
i’d probably get captured and beheaded but it would be fun to hang out for awhile we could listen to good music and smoke cigarettes and smile then walk out into the wilderness and look up at the moon
the militant awoke to a loudspeaker crackling a voice in Arabic calling all to prayer he dropped his rifle to his side and laid his body debonaire southeast toward a warmer rising sun
i’m tired of trying to solve all of the problems in the world i’d rather see them in another way and lift a sword or pen and just start swinging at the other strutting actors on the stage
i’ve been reading about the lifestyles of the ancients how they built their homes from the soil preserved the harvest from spoil then scattered back into a grand decay
i was watching television to see the call for peace and unity and the victories of liberty in the city on the Seine
i wrote a poem to free my thoughts for our freedom and for those who died so i can write and hold my pride as a candle in the dark
i’m tired of trying to solve all of the problems in the world to surrender my life to the master who painted the sun and the stars and the earth who drew my light in this image then shattered
**originally posted on my blog at https://sublimeobscenities.wordpress.com/ on January 12, 2015