Scintillating communication between strangers as they magnetize the words together into a stimulating story of strung together words:
While every sailed bridge sweetly floats under evil I do best sitting at peace. One lived as some had fallen, Steal the King's singing & beg him to sing louder Knowing Ocean's rising storm as Gentle music should drift so people can hear it whisper.
They found their beach of spring after the river Coming against these cruel spinning mountains of the night skies, We still use hate, though most don't go by this road. He drove towards a forest, Though he stumbled out of it empty, For it all lies beneath our art as looking naked plays only until two can love each other.
Were none welcome except us? So as they went off to sleep, hearts beating thrice to the beat, jumping to the new rhythm unseated by the synergy created in this magical space, While I may question who you are, We suffer from searching, each more affected than the other by the wandering.