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Mar 2015
The sky turns white, though the sun remains bright
Minimizing her pupils to leave just pale crystal *****
That show my future in a lasting gaze,
Slipping and sliding the shivers away.

The snowflakes drop like her whispers in bed
Landing softly like decorations on top of her head.
Though bundled away to escape the cold,
Her warmth emanates, melting my soul.

The commuters drive slow causing traffic to grow.
I pump up the heat and kick back my feet;
Alone with rhythmic tunes and a satisfied mind,
Appreciating the sights and enjoying the ride.

The sweaters and hoodies, mittens and scarves,
Make the evident depth of her eyes loom large.
Tender, the feeling of huddling for warmth;
Innocent, the beauty that surrounds me these days.

Cold and dreary, the winter comes;
To warmer places they wish to run.
There’s warmth to be found right outside the walls.
So ask - do I mind the winter?
No, not at all.
Nick MK
Written by
Nick MK  Maryland
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