deeply so, have ever you thought, on a moment that you thought you knew it? have you ever thought of Summer with her flush amber skin just bursting almost apricot thick colours professing out her richly thatched mouth in between the lips of seraphs oceans of wind that in which a frond is bending, just almost breaking bending, in the immense touching blood of blades of sand and grains of grass who slough from brows of aching partings and sore graftings.
in yourself think ever you Did the arms of your lover against stiffly you clutched who lean ribs, who in them beats mornings of song little a filled with drifting fuzzy daughters lazy wood's cotton
? in summer i went to seattle and down to its neck i drew my hands and around them i was a sweating magic light full and a blister of smiling residue; my grin was like a girl put my tongue in her mouth and she pulled me real close and her bumps rumpled on my bumps and we were real slow and hot and she was gross and perfect and long and i remember how she's scalp was like a small black jungle that my fingers (as her teeth were like little ****** of tingling all over my scent) marauded around the profusion of her dazzling locks which mocked the night who was contumelious at how they made love with,andMurdered, whate'er foolish lance or drape of light was foolish enough to touch with them. her hair was a serious fierce laughter. and it filled right me up. right up to my pooling blood foolishly her face was a goddess and i was a lamb.