in a world where we all crave to be understood, but different and complex, all at once i was left feeling as if i were in a cat's cradle - undeniably wrapped and tangled around myself
for many moons i tried to believe that it was me and my lack of an explanation that could not be translated to the language you had begun to speak that was quite different from my native tongue, but i began to realize that speech had nothing to do with it, and it was your refusal to open your eyes fully and drink in all that i had laid out before you
i contemplated myself often and the idea of change flitted around inside of my skull like birds trapped in a cage - i knew i had to set them free
it's been said to me and i've said it to myself, i will find the one who wears no blinders, who speaks my language, who wants me fully
i will find that one in due time, when the timing seems wrong and i haven't the time, he will show up and drink me in and fill himself completely, and snip away the strings that have rendered me useless when it comes to love