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Mar 2015
Sometimes I look in a mirror
and my own eyes crack open
the weakness falls from outside the ducts
because every time I look my heart is broken
why? to be more accurate I'm sick.
both physically with this **** cold I can't seem to shake
and of myself, because it seems to be my fate
I want to reinvent, recreate myself in a whole new way
I want to be a leader, not just more dead weight
A burden, that's what I've become
I can't even write anymore without a mentally loaded gun
to the side of my head, I have to bully myself to write things down now
somehow I need to try again and find out
where I went wrong where my confidence and pride has gone
it's been too long since I looked at the mirror and tears didn't fall
Written by
NeroameeAlucard  Chicago Illinois
(Chicago Illinois)   
   Brandy Nicole and Brianne
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