approximately forty forked tongues made love to my ego yesterday for envy, and in this way they paid me my overdue reparations. i'm cool with that, bro. what else you have for me?
exactly five tickling fingers graced the nape of my neck today for boredom, for monogamy, and in this way the human finds that he's been human all this time. fine with me, miss forbidden. tell me, what's next on the agenda? what conquests await me just inside Freedom's gate?
two eyes for fifteen-odd-something teenage girls gets to be confusing, but it's better than the day-after-day, week-after-week, month-after-month, year-after-year quicksand whirlpool of "oh, i wonder what's on the one-track telly today?" and only getting some advertisement for quote unquote "******* miraculous" Axe body spray.