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Mar 2015
Out of a window and into the world
A world that resembles your soul
Envision a scene where nothing is green
And a sky that is grey and dull

Out of a window and into the world
Your eyes gaze down below
To the brown of the garden, ground – cold and hardened
Where nothing out of it can grow

Out of a window and into the world
A world that resembles you soul
Damp and cold, dark grey it does hold
And the feeling of life is null

Out of a window and into the world
Where a single beauty is found
A bird painted red among all that is dead
Has left your heart to pound

Out of a window and into the world
Where the red beauty is satisfied
Despite the depression and life’s cold recession
It stays and does not hide

Out of a window and into the world
A world that resembles your soul
That darkness embraced and yet it was graced
By the simplest beauty of all.
Angela Celona
Written by
Angela Celona  Virginia
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