The summation of all my time spent staring, up into open sky up into wide blue eyes With the sun hanging down by your sides. Reach up into that open bounty, a free country of twirling and falling, falling with a smile on my lips at last of freedom and euphoria, pure exhilaration. Cityskapes open wide before my wings, night lights tracing the paths out in front of me as I twist and fall, grasses reaching up to greet the open air as I reach down to melt into their embrace. I breathe free through my very skin, through the kiss of the air passing my lips. Unchained I soar, bare of wing or claw, bearing everything here in this abyss of empty expanse Rushing past my bones. Nothing can pull me back to solid ground, or make me turn around against this world of wilderness. I dive to feel the life that rushes through me when my wrists finally meet your fingertips, the winds that tilt us forward to hold ourselves safe. And all the beauty will arise when in that moment our eyes open one more time.