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Feb 2015
She repeats herself another million ******* times.  Stories so twisted that not even when she's sober can she remember her previous line. I tell her it hurts.  She claims she doesn't understand why.  And I believe her for a second this time. Again.  Then I consider where we are, where We are not, due to her restrictions unsaid. I cry. Inside this round, at least so far. She screamed at me last time. From my open door.  Belched several times she wished I would **** myself, but I'm too big a ***** to do it. Said yes I'm last.  Said no im not. Said she loved me, but sharing feeling we must not.  Made love to me, ran home and added a friend.  I made another account, saw her page begin. But I'm blocked from seeing for myself, because her love is exceptionally thin.  Why does she come over? Why does she text me every day? I'm restricted from her house, family, friends, feelings and truth...  ******* dying with pain.  She's coming to my place, screaming forget the past, I've never lied again.
Written by
AlienneilA  Florida State
(Florida State)   
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