What solumn countenance would curtain a joyous explosion of masks, wigs and gay costumes lifted upon the shoulders of unicorns, hoisted by green mice with chattering teeth as the teeming throbbing wall of ever sharpening claws and whip tails tightening the knots that bind them with each living brick?
What strained smile would do honor to the leaping unicorn, transporting mere mortals transformed by imagination relinqueshed of reason and the laws of man where those who carry no haute or couture of those most favored swallows that flap their wings until the day their frivolity turns it's head on their foolishness?
What mind locked behind lonely doors would leap ahead of birds shed of tails and teeth and horns that fly about the land unabashadedly crossing seas and rivers cooling the hardened hearts of men who cannot believe in the fairy tails of fantasy because what their God decided was that the poor must always be with us?