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Feb 2015
Wall one is weak,
So when someone breaks it,
Not much harm is done.

Wall two is solid,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel the blow.

Wall three is strong,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel pain.

Wall four is stronger yet,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel anger.

Wall fives is the strongest,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel the depression of having to rebuild.

After the fifth wall,
Come the most fragile thing to all man kind,
Yours emotions.

Where some people seem to get to,
Through the back door,
That we all know is there,
But dont want to admit.

Allowing the person to control,
The emotions you feel,
Leaving you wondering,
Blindly through the dark depths of your mind.
Matthew Miklavcic
Written by
Matthew Miklavcic  CIncinnati, Ohio
(CIncinnati, Ohio)   
   Mystery Girl
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