Thank me for nothing Thank me for everything Thank me for the breakfast letter That you said could've been better
Thank me for the half visible tenement Thank me for the sake of betterment Thank me for the flower filled torment That you said you coulda' paid with pennies of pride
Thank me for the curling iron burns Thank me for the reeling steel turns Thank me for the roaring ringing laughter That you said was nothing but the push of a button
Thank me for the pencil shave early bird specials Thank me for introducing you to dear old Racheal Thank me for showing you there ain't nothing to show That you said was wrapped in a blood splattered bow
Thank me for the books that took you to the final nook Thank me for the tooth you chipped in the late booth Thank me forsooth shake you all real loose That you said you could have done by early noon
Thank me for the grass stain after pains Thank me for the sass that made your wrists feel lame Thank me for the ****** historical aftermath That you said was the bread but not upon a summer
Thank me for the nineteen hour car drive Thank me for the turn scene under the high beam Thank me for the burn breathe better see That you said I was nothing but stubborn and bein' me
Thank me No Don't thank me I've got to get on the go Back and to the left For the theft of the heart Is the worst As well as The best