Doing what you want to do It can take a lot Getting up and leaving a friend, a partner, a relationship in any and all forms but to make yourself happy It's a life that you deserve Happiness is a choice, to not have it is absurd Yes, there's a comfort in being numb if it's all you've ever known there's a comfort in tears when you think you deserve it I'd know. But you don't deserve it No one ever does Be the old lady with tons of lines on her face from laughing so hard in all of her days Be the man with a smile always on his face, or be the person who's just comfortable You don't have to be sad, though it's okay to be, it's not a lifestyle, so please don't make it out to be don't torture yourself with all of the pain. Your appearance isn't the defining point in your life It's not going to stop you from living the way you want