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Feb 2015
There will be a day, coming to you soon
When your world of black and white turns to color
The pages in your childhood color book
Will be scribbled outside of the lines
Every inch will illuminate pigments of joy
Carelessly erasing blankness
Replacing it with animation
There will be a day, coming to you soon
When the gaps in your soul will be filled
Like pouring water into the glass
Whether it be half full or half empty
It will be overflowing
There will be a day, coming to you soon
When the words that fell out of your mother's mouth
Taunting and baneful, each criticism will melt beneath this new light that you have found
Do not give up yet
Nothing is as hopeless as it seems
There will be a day, coming to you soon
When everything will be okay
Don't miss it my love
Don’t miss it, please
for ave
Written by
     burned up
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