I love being naked walking around free in my home, shuttered from the world and their judgements their raised eyebrows and side glances
I love being naked because it feels like my heart although my heart bleeds like a motorcycle wreck A long red line down the highway leading to what's left
I love being naked because there's nothing left to hide It's me, in all my glory, forcing myself to accept who I am who I've been and who I might become
I love being naked but I'm having a hard time keeping my heart in a safe place It keeps falling out Like us Getting pieces of asphalt and glass and grime lodged in tiny bleeding cavities screaming over every little move made
I love being naked but I look insane wearing nothing but tears
I love being naked but I don't feel safe when you're holding blades in your eyes and lips
I love being naked I have so many scars to bare You can see them across my chest down my arms even in my eyes and in the corners of my mouth Most are real; All are emotional
I love being naked when she is naked with me because nothing else even exists in my head Only the drive to consume and resume what we've always hungered for But now there's so much shame So much blame So much negativity and cold rain
I love being naked but I have to learn to protect myself.
I love being naked because my voice has nowhere to hide No bandana to pull up, no hood to pull down Just free to be myself with me No shame, no blame No ******* confusing games Just life -- no hype Just a naked guy.